miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

Mark Driscoll Le Mete las Manos al MMA


A Christian Evaluation of Mixed Martial Arts  <---Click Here

by: Pastor Mark Driscoll on Nov 09, 2011 in CultureCurrent EventsSports

Un articulo Impresionantemente profundo sobre el MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) desde la perspectiva de uno de mis predicadores favoritos el avers controversial Mark Driscoll.

As Christians, the question is, where is the line to be drawn and why? I would argue the line should be drawn wherever one’s conscience permits. But to bind everyone with your conscience is to do what the Bible forbids. All of God’s people are to obey all of God’s Word, and beyond that we are to operate according to conscience."

Un Saludo Especial a mi amigo Manuel de GISEI FIGHT WEAR a quien dedico este blog!

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